Information on the Pfizer COVID-19 Booster Shot

Eligible Residents Can Schedule Appointments Online

The Rhode Island Department of Health is expecting the demand for the Pfizer COVID-19 booster to be high throughout October, due to Rhode Island’s high vaccination rates. Because of this, eligible residents are encouraged to schedule an appointment to receive their booster. Appointments can be scheduled online at:

For help making an appointment, call 844-930-1779 or 2-1-1.

The Pfizer booster shot is currently available for Rhode Island residents who are:

  • 65 years or older

  • 18 years or older with an underlying medical condition

  • 18 years or older with an increased risk of exposure due to their occupation or job location (medical professionals and staff, first responders, school and university employees, and essential employees, for example).

This booster shot should be administered six months after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine to be effective.

Jo-Ann Ryan