City Council Approves the First Passage of Ordinance for $124MIL in ARPA Funds


For Investments in Housing, Infrastructure, Businesses, and Neighborhoods

Providence, RI – Tonight, the Providence City Council voted to approve the first passage of a $124 million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) ordinance that will fund significant long-term investments in the city. Those investments include funding for housing, water/sewer and broadband infrastructure, parks and recreation centers, tourism, travel, and hospitality, as well as economic relief for businesses and organizations hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. “I want to thank my council colleagues and Finance Committee Chairwoman Jo-Ann Ryan for vetting this critical budget. We have invested heavily in housing, our parks, and neighborhood recreation centers,” said Council President John Igliozzi. “Tracking these federal dollars remains an important priority of the Council. That’s why an independent auditor will monitor and report all expenses.” The ARPA ordinance will require a second passage vote next week.